Greeks will often use these Legume recipes to create healthy, vegetarian meals.
Legumes such as broad beans, chick peas, lentils and haricot beans are very popular in Greece.
They are used profusely in soups and casseroles, with other vegetables or in meals with meat. They help to give substance to a meal.
Greece has seen many hard times throughout its history and during these frugal times beans, lentils and peas were the main staple the people had to fall back on for meals. It became an integral part of the Greek food and diet, such that even now in richer times, they are still a popular food. The health aspects were also obvious.

Although meat is plentiful in Greece now, and eaten daily, in the traditional Greek diet (and the basis of the Mediterranean diet), meat was only eaten occasionally and so, along with plenty of vegetables, peas and beans were widely used to replace the meat in their meals.
Today, the average Greek family will still have at least one meal a week made from beans, peas or lentils.
Kali Orexi - Bon Appetit

Try these delicious recipes:
Lentil Soup
Chick Pea Casserole
Bean Soup
Bean Salad
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