Interesting Facts On Greece

I wanted to include some facts on Greece I hope you will find interesting,
basic facts about the country of Greece,
how the Greek life is different to ours, the role that traditions and customs play in everyday life.
So much talk about Greek food and cooking it, I always start getting nostalgic for Greece and reminisce about the country. There are so many wonderful memories. Greece is a country of abundance, rich not only in its delicious cuisine but brimming with history and culture, wherever you travel, there are magnificent historic sites of importance to visit.
If you haven't already visited Greece, you must put it on your list of places to visit. Greece is a country of beauty and contrasts, the sparkling turquoise waters of the mediterranean, the small picturesque bays backed with pine covered mountains and fields of olive trees. Glistening white luxury yachts, bobbing alongside old wooden fishing boats in the marinas. I could go on forever reminiscing about the wonders of Greece. From the beauty of the Greek landscape to the amazing historic ancient sites all over the country, showing you a glimpse of life in Greece thousands of years ago, Greece is a country full of natural attractions. With modern and ancient Greece sitting side by side, there are so many facts on Greece to learn about and places to see in Greece you will always have something different to do each day.
History has had a huge impact on Greece and how life is lived in the country today. Its influence has been far reaching, from its cuisine to the culture and even character of the Greeks themselves. Greek traditions and customs play an important role in the life of Greeks, as much today as they did hundreds of years ago. It is following and maintaining these traditions and customs that have enabled the Greeks to survive through many centuries of hardships, foreign invasions and dictatorships and still keep their national identity. It has created a strong, independant character, with a spirit and passion for life so alive in all Greeks. As you travel around Greece, it will be hard for you to miss some type of festival or holiday. The Greeks, having lived through many hardships, certainly know how to be grateful for the abundant times and there are many celebrations as they remember their victories. These are wonderful glimpses of community celebration at its best, always full of life and fun.
The best time to visit Greece
really depends if you're looking to bask in the sun and sea and enjoy lots of company, or quiet beaches all to yourself or warm but not too hot weather for visiting all the historical sites of Greece.
I hope to try and touch on a few interesting facts on Greece here on this page. Keep checking as I add more articles.
Have a browse through our Greek Gift Store
Take a look at these Greek Travel Guides for more information on Greece!
The Island of Crete - Kriti
Crete is my favourite of all the Greek islands and it holds a special place in my heart. Our family originates from the island. Many of the recipes on this site which have been handed down through the family are Cretan in origin. The people of Crete are very independant people, even having their own dialect which is slightly different to the rest of Greece, some words do sound quite different. The island has a wonderfully rich history dating back to ancient times. My friends have created a site all about this wonderful island,
We Love Crete.
Visit this site to learn all about this beautiful island.
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