In the past, when Greece was going through poor times, soup was often a one course complete meal, served with a great quantity of bread, to provide warmth, comfort and nourishment during the colder months. These hearty robust meals usually contained lentils, chick peas or beans, which were known as the poor mans meat.
This style of eating soup has left an impact on the Greek cuisine and still today, soups are generally served as a full meal rather than a thin watery dish served as a starter.
In fact Greek cuisine does not serve meals in courses - a 3 or 4 course meal for example, but appetizers
and main meal will be all on the table at once. Greek Desserts
are mostly eaten at other times of the day on their own, rather than at the end of the meal.
Greek easy soup recipes will often be made up from a type of legume,
or a joint of meat will be simmered in a stock with several vegetables and made into a hearty meal served with the shredded meat and vegetables all together.
Kakavia - a Greek fish soup recipe is a complete meal, fish is cooked to create a stock along with vegetables, then the soup is strained and served along with the fish and vegetables on a side plate.
Another very popular soup is
- egg and lemon. These two ingredients are added to a stock such as chicken to create a creamy soup with a sharp tang of citrus. This sauce is often added to a casserole to enhance the flavours of the meal.
Kali Orexi - Bon Appetit

Greek Soup Recipes
Lentil Soup - Fakes
Bean Soup- Soupa Fasolia
Mayeritsa - Greek Easter Soup
Chicken Soup
Chicken Noodle Soup
Avgolemono Sauce
Kakavia - Greek Fish Soup
Return from Easy Soup Recipes to more Greek Food
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