Taramosalata, made from tarama - which is the roe of large fish, is a light fish tasting creamy dip.
One of the most famous of greek appetizer dips, it can be served with a large range of foods, as an appetizer to a fish meal, or with a rather frugal main meal to liven up a weekday dinner.
Serve taramosalata with lots of crusty fresh bread and watch it go! It is one of those dips that once you have acquired the taste for it, you can't stop eating it - it is so delicious.
My mother had 2 recipes for Taramosalata and they both taste great so I have included both of them.
First Method
160 grms tarama (fish eggs) 160 grms stale white bread, crusts removed 1 1/2 teacups extra virgin olive oil lemon juice from 1 1/2 lemons chopped parsley 1-2 thin slices onion
If the fish roe comes with their skin, place them in warm water for 10 minutes and clean. If not, place them in a food processor/blender.
Soak the bread in water and then wring the excess liquid out of it and place in the processor. Add the onion.
Turn the blender on and slowly blend in. Whilst it is still going, pour in, a little at a time, the lemon juice and olive oil.
If the mixture is too thick, you can add a little water to loosen the mixture, or alternatively if it is rather strong in flavour, add more bread.
150 grms tarama (fish eggs) @ 160 grms boiled potatoes 1 - 1 1/2 teacups extra virgin olive oil 1/2 teacup feta (chopped) 2-3 tablespoons lemon juice 1 tablespoon white vinegar chopped parsley to garnish
Peel the potatoes, boil them and then mash them.
Treat the fish roe as above if they have skin, otherwise place in a food processor.
Add to the processor the potatoes, and feta.
Turn on the blender and whilst running on a low speed, slowly pour in the oil, lemon juice and vinegar.
Adjust to taste.
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