Greek Dessert
The Greek dessert or sweets as the Greeks call them are generally eaten on their own during the day, along with a cold glass of water, for a sweet treat, rather than after a meal as we do in other countries.

Their desserts are more eastern influenced, heavily using sugar, and syrups rather than butter and creams. They make use of seasonal produce such as fresh fruit and nuts. Nuts such as walnuts and pistachios - both of which are grown in Greece, are used in many Greek dessert recipes. Many well known Greek sweets use filo pastry, creating multi layers of wafer thin pastry. These sweets are then soaked in a sweet honey syrup. The syrup will give these cakes a wonderful flavour and texture as well as helping to preserve them for longer. Kali Orexi - Bon appetit

Click here to see all the Greek Desserts and try one for yourself.
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